The hand and wrist complex is a small, powerful and strong area that works all day. The wrist has eight small bones and the hand has a series of long and short bones all connected by ligaments, connective tissue, muscles and tendons. The hand and wrist complex is considered the most complex joint of the body due to the number of joints combined together to create one. It is an intricate and contained area that is important for use in activities of daily living like self-care, grooming, hygiene and dressing.
Common injuries to the hand and wrist include Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, Intersection Syndrome, Triangular FibroCartilage Complex (TFCC) Tears, Tendonitis, Arthritis and Ligament Sprains.
Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a condition where the nerve on the inside of the wrist gets irritated and inflamed. It causes pain, weakness and nerve sensations like pins and needles or tingling into the first four fingers in the hand (thumb through the ring finger). This condition is caused by sustained pressure on the wrist from trauma, repetitive stress, inflammatory conditions or other conditions that cause nerve damage.
Manual therapy to the hand and wrist complex include skilled joint mobilizations and advanced soft tissue techniques like the Graston Technique. Therapeutic exercises include specific joints in the hand and wrist with progression to include the elbow, shoulder and core for full kinetic chain activation and retraining.
The technique demonstrated is a wrist joint mobilization. The small wrist bones can move out of alignment and restoration of proper positioning allows for full function without pain and the ability of the hand to perform its tasks.
Our patients receive one-on-one treatment and direct exercise supervision in our comfortable spacious studio.
29 West 38th Street, Suite #601 Between 5th & 6th Avenues New York, NY 10018 |
(212) 777-4374 (212) 901-6992 |
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